エスコリアル写本 (El Escorial 又は San Millán de la Cogolla)
製作年代 950年〜955年
製作地 Scriptorium del monasterio de San Millán de la Cogolla,
大きさ 縦395 幅225
枚数 151葉
挿絵の数 52点
ベアトゥスの写本の中にも豪華な彩色をされたものが多数ありますが、Escorial写本は原色をつかった素朴な表現が多く、一番好きな写本の一つです。特に「f.18 Adam and Eve」やf.57v, f96vなどが面白い表現です。どういった思いで黙示録の内容を表現しようとしたのか、興味が尽きません。
Christ's Appearance in the Clouds
Commission to Write
Adam and Eve
Woman on the Beast
Message to the Church of Ephesus
Message to the Church of Smyrna
Message to the Church of Pergamum
Message to the Church of Thyatira
Message to the Church of Sardis
Message to the Church of Laodicea
Vision of God Enthroned
First Trumpet: Hail, Fire, Blood
Second Trumpet; Mountain hurled into the Sea / Third Trumpet: Flaming Star
Fourth Trumpet: Darkening of Sun
Fifth Trumpet: Falling Star and Plague of Locusts
Angel of the Abyss and Locusts
Death-dealing Cavalry
Sixth Trumpet: Angels of the Euphrates
John eats the Book and measuresthe Temple
The Witnesses killed by the Antichrist
Woman clothed in the Sun
Reign of the Seven-headed Beast
Numbering of the Names of the Antichrist: Tanble 1
The Lamb on the Mount Zion and the Chaste
Warning angels and the fail of babylon
Seven Plague Angels
Plague Angels issue from the Sanctuary
Winepress of God's Wrath
First Angel: Plague of Sores
Second Angel: Sea turned to Blood / Third Angel: Rivers turned to Blood
Fourth Angel scorching the Sun / Fifth Angel empties his Bowl on the Throne of the Beast
Plague Angels ordered to pour out their Bowls
Sixth Angel empties his Bowl on the Euphrates / Frog-like Sporits issue from the Mouths of Demons